Pup Maxx

a good boy. now in houston, tx.

  • A list of things to do for pups

    In pup play, it can be really hard to find the line between the human and the pup. Just like how every person is different, every pup has their own traits and quirks, and you’ll need to learn what those are for your pup. But there are some things that almost all pups will enjoy, so have fun — with their consent, of course!

    1. Pet them regularly. You don’t even need to have a reason. That they’re there is good enough.
    2. Give them a treat. When they’ve been good. Or when you need to cheer them up. Or when you need cheering up.
    3. Help them find their spot. It’s the place in the house that’s their place. It’s where they go to rest if they’re tired, to wait if they’re bored, and to hide if they’re scared. It could be anywhere — a corner, under a table, inside a closet.
    4. Give them a belly rub. Lots and lots of belly rubs.
    5. Clear out a space with plenty of direct sunlight and have them nap in it.
    6. Place some soft pillows and blankets under your desk, so they can curl up by your feet as you work.
    7. Give them a quick scritch as you walk past. And maybe another one. And another. And one more.
    8. Put their food in a dog bowl, and watch with delight as they get all messy while trying to eat it. Have them eat meals on the floor as you sit at the table.
    9. Keep their water bowl always full and fresh, so they’re well-hydrated and happy.
    10. Tell them they’re a good boy/girl/pup. Say it when they make you proud. Or when they accomplish something really hard for them. Or just because they are so good.
    11. Hand them random objects and tell them to hold it in their mouths. Watch as they try with the more cumbersome things.
    12. Announce it’s nap time, and have them take a nap — no matter what’s going on.
    13. Let them choose where to sleep at night. On the floor, at the foot of the bed, or all snuggled up with you. They’ll choose what makes them happiest.
    14. Leave them something that smells like you, like a shirt, if you’re going to be away for a while. It’ll help them stay calm as they start missing you terribly.
    15. Keep the door open just a little bit when you go to another room, so they can follow you there, too.
    16. Put a name tag on their collar. Write your contact info on the back, so they’ll always be able to find you if they get lost.
    17. Listen to their many, many, many noises. Barks, growls, whines. They all mean something different, so take the time to learn them.
    18. Tell them when you’re sad, angry, or upset. Even if it’s not about them. Especially when it’s not about them. They can sense something’s off and will get worried that you don’t like them anymore.
    19. Yank their leash occasionally, just enough for the leash to be tight. It reminds them you’re there, you care about them, and they can always follow the leash to find you again.
    20. Finally: Accept their love and affection. As a pup, everything in their world is about you. Respect the scale of that commitment, and they’ll be your loyal companion forever.
  • Thinking about questions in subspace

    For me, one of the lures of subspace is how my mind shuts down and I’m able to finally relax.

    My ability to do complex, higher-functioning mental tasks is basically turned off. I can’t handle a hypothetical, or evaluate a situation, or make simple logical leaps to come to an otherwise-obvious conclusion. Like Alexa or Siri, I can parse your words, but I can’t process the context or give you answers to questions unless you’ve phrased them in a particular way.

    I’m not sure if many Doms know this. And maybe it’s just me, and not something that generalizes to other submissives. But there’s a huge difference between open-ended questions (“What happens next?”) and leading questions (“You know what happens next, right?”).

    With leading questions, I can figure out what the “right” answer should be, even with my limited faculties whilst drifting in subspace. However, open questions cause me to freak out a little (and can destroy the headspace) because I can’t figure out the answer — and then I feel like I’m disappointing my Dom.

    Doms: Please, could you phrase your questions in such a way that it implies the answer? Yup, that’s another leading question — lots and lots of questions like this, please.

    Subs: Is this something that you also experience? What is it like for you?

  • Houseboy Connor, chapter 1

    Connor was washing a small plate when he heard the whirring. The sound of the garage door opening was unmistakable. His Master was home.

    He quickly dried his hands on the dish towel and scurried over to the door. He only had a few seconds to get into position. Master never rushed to get out of the car, but the garage was only so big and being unprepared when his Master opened the door was not an option.

    The boy made it to the door in record time, and let himself fall onto the ground, knees crashing into the gray-blue tile. Owwww. In the next few seconds, Connor assumed the position. Shoulders back. Chest forwards. Eyes on the ground. Hands behind, just by the hips. Kneeling. Presenting. Just as his Master ordered. Just the way Master liked it.

    Then, he waited.

    It might have been less than a minute before the door actually opened, but to Connor it felt like an eternity. Every moment seemed to drag on forever, time slushing from one second to the next, as Connor waited for his Master to open the door. The deafening silence of the house did little to drown out the noises in Connor’s head. Master is back. Master is home. Master is safe. Master is —

    “Boy,” his Master growled, his voice slicing through Connor’s thoughts.

    Connor said nothing. He knew better from his training. He just stayed there, kneeling on the floor, letting the cold air from the garage rush over his naked body. The chill caused the hairs on the boy’s arms and neck to prick up, staying taunt and upright even as his Master ran his callused hands over the skin.

    After a few moments, his Master stepped back, his tall figure towering over the much-smaller boy.

    “Good. Now get to it, slave.”

    Connor didn’t need to be told twice. In the blink of an eye, he was crouched over his Master’s dress shoes, licking every surface until it was spotless. Connor did the left shoe first, ensuring he got as much dirt off as possible — not that there was much dirt to begin with — before moving onto the right. He used his tongue to spread a bit of the saliva over the top of each shoe, so the water could gleam in the light. Just as his Master liked it.

    The foot pulled away. Connor’s job was done. He sat back up, still silent, careful to keep this eyes on the floor and avoiding catching his Master’s gaze.

    “Report, boy,” his Master thundered.

    “The laundry’s all done, folded, and put away, Master,” said Connor, crisply. “The kitchen and bathroom floors have been vacuumed and mopped; the living room dusted; and most of the dishes are drying in the dishwasher. It was just washing the hand-wash-only items when you returned, Master.”

    His Master didn’t reply immediately. In the silence that followed, Connor couldn’t tell if his Master was pleased or disappointed. The boy hoped that his Master would be satisfied with that amount of work. But you couldn’t be sure. Master had high standards, and Connor knew he would raise them as soon as he felt his slave houseboy was getting complacent.

    Was he going to be praised? Punished? Or just ignored? Connor’s heart was beating with so much anxiety that the boy swore it was going to break out of his chest.

    Then: “Good job, slave boy. Get back to it.”

    Connor scurried back to the kitchen in a flash. “Yes, Master!”

    Praised. Definitely praised.

  • Ownership

    own (2 of 3), verb
    owned; owning; owns
    transitive verb

    a) to have or hold as property : POSSESS
    b) to have power or mastery over
    to acknowledge to be true, valid, or as claimed : ADMIT

    I think I’ve always been lonely. Or, rather, I can’t think of a memory in which I didn’t feel alone in some way.

    The idea that there will be someone — that there will always be someone — who wants to spend time with me, to hang out with me, to celebrate with me and to just be with me is… incredibly foreign.

    So I’m pretty sure that’s why the concept of ownership appeals to me so much. Here is someone, an Owner, who has consciously and deliberately chosen to own me; to take control, yes, but also to take responsibility, to share in the successes and to ground the failures.

    In a nutshell, by Him being in my life, I am no longer as alone.

    I imagine that I could emphasize with other pups, assuming we could converse. I love that moment when a dog realizes that they’ve been adopted — that they’re joining a loving family which will feed them well, keep them warm, give them pets and hugs, throw a ball for them to fetch and hook on a leash for them to walk.

    I envy that moment. I yearn for that moment.

    A power exchange dynamic like Master/slave, Handler/pet, or Owner/object, might seem incredibly one-sided from an outside perspective — or several perspectives, really. After all, the Dominant has so much power. And a more extreme dynamic might mean that the sub’s entire identity is subsumed into that of the Dominant: there is no independent personhood, just being the Dom’s “thing”Insert appropriate submissive role/position/identity here.

    But the truth is, my Owner would be mine as much as I would be His.

    He’s the one whose orders I obey above all else. He’s the one I know I can trust more than anybody else. He’s the one who feeds me well, keeps me warm, gives me pets and hugs, throws a ball for me to fetch and hooks on a leash for me to walk.

    For he is the Owner. My Owner.

  • Pain and pleasure

    I’ve never really understood the connection between pleasure and pain.​

    It’s weird, isn’t it?​ How something that is supposed to be unpleasurable, dislikable — a sensation that is very much our body saying “bad, wrong, don’t do this” — somehow brings an incredible kind of pleasure.

    It hurts, it’s awful, and yet it feels so good.

    Is this why some people like spicy foods? Or other people enjoy throwing themselves off the side of cliffs and airplanes?

    Underneath the kinks, am I just another adrenaline-seeker — just someone who gets their rush from whips and paddles, rather than parachutes and bungee-cords?

    I never thought that I would end up being where I am, and being who I am. But I’ve found out that these are deep truths about myself — that being a pain play sub is as important to my being as being a connoisseur of fried chicken.

    I crave both in much the same way, and I get grumpy after not having some in much the same way.

    And I think I need some of both, right now. This is how I know that I’m in a submissive mindset — that’s something I should explore in another post.